Ownership Summary More information

  Institutional Stock Ownership 10.1%
 Institutional Mutual Fund Ownership 9.1%
 Mutual Fund Ownership 0.2%
 Insider Ownership 24.0%
 Other 56.6%

Institutional Ownership Details

Institutional Stock &
Mutual Fund Ownership:

Institutional Share Purchases 26.3K 71.6K
Institutional Shares Sold 135.2K 128.0K
Net Institutional Shares Purchased --108.90K --56.40K
Change in Ownership -14.95% -7.19%
Top 10 Institutional Holdings by Shares Held
Name Reporting Date Total Holdings Sorted in descending order. Position Value Outstanding
Shares Owned
Vanguard Group Inc 12/31/23 173.4K $1.9M 5.36%
Renaissance Technologies, LLC 12/31/23 131.1K $1.4M 4.06%
Gsa Capital Partners Llp 12/31/23 69.0K $748.2K 2.14%
Blackrock Inc. 12/31/23 58.3K $631.7K 1.80%
Geode Capital Management, LLC 12/31/23 26.5K $287.7K 0.82%
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP 12/31/23 26.4K $286.5K 0.82%
Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. 12/31/23 22.3K $242.0K 0.69%
Squarepoint Ops LLC 12/31/23 18.8K $203.8K 0.58%
Metis Global Partners, LLC 12/31/23 17.2K $186.4K 0.53%
Bridgeway Capital Management, Inc. 12/31/23 14.2K $154.4K 0.44%

Mutual Fund Ownership Details

Institutional Mutual Fund & Mutual Fund (No 13F Form) Ownership: 9%

Mutual Fund Share Purchases 17.7K 571.0
Mutual Fund Shares Sold 4.3K 13.1K
Net Mutual Fund Shares Purchased 13.3K --12.50K
Change in Ownership 4.67% -4.20%
Top 10 Mutual Fund Holdings by Shares Held
Name Reporting Date Total Holdings Sorted in descending order. Position Value Outstanding
Shares Owned
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund (i) 12/31/23 133.1K $1.4M 4.12%
Vanguard Extended Market Index Fund (i) 12/31/23 37.2K $403.0K 1.15%
Schwab Capital Trust-Small Cap Equity Fund (i) 01/31/24 21.0K $227.8K 0.65%
Nationwide Bailard Cognitive Value Fd (i) 01/31/24 17.7K $191.5K 0.55%
Bridgeway Funds Inc-Ultra Small Company Market Fund (i) 12/31/23 14.0K $151.8K 0.43%
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund (i) 02/29/24 13.7K $148.4K 0.42%
Invesco ETF Tr-Invesco FTSE RAFI US 1500 Small-Mid ETF (i) 02/29/24 9.2K $100.2K 0.29%
DFA U.S. Core Equity 2 Portfolio (i) 01/31/24 7.4K $80.7K 0.23%
Price (T.Rowe) Extended Equity Market Index Fund (i) 12/31/23 6.3K $68.5K 0.20%
iShares Micro Cap ETF (i) 02/29/24 5.9K $63.7K 0.18%

About Ownership Summary

The Ownership Summary indicates the percentage breakdown of a company's equity ownership by investor type, and is derived from multiple sources. Institutional ownership data is derived from filings of Form 13F, which investment managers must file quarterly if they manage at least $100,000,000 in equities. Institutional Mutual Funds are those funds that are connected with or a part of another 13F filer. Other Funds are those mutual funds that are not associated with a 13F filer. Mutual fund information is derived from forms NQ (quarterly) and NCSRs (annually). In addition, where possible, holdings information is obtained directly from mutual funds on a more frequent basis. Insider Ownership data, which reflects changes in ownership by directors, officers, and principal stakeholders, comes from filings of Forms 3 and 4. A Form 3 filing is an initial statement of ownership, whereas a Form 4 must be filed within two business days following a change in ownership by officers, directors and beneficial owners of a given company.

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