These scorecards evaluate the performance of independent research provider ratings over time individually and in aggregate. Helping you understand and compare historical accuracy of recommendations.
Research ScorecardsThese scorecards evaluate the performance of independent research provider ratings over time individually and in aggregate. Helping you understand and compare historical accuracy of recommendations. Equity Summary Score ScorecardUpdated monthly —A scorecard, produced by StarMine from Refinitiv, representing aggregate, theoretical performance of the Equity Summary Score across all covered stocks. Log in to view firm performance analysis details. Firm Performance AnalysisFull quarterly scorecardsUpdated Quarterly: Insight on various dimensions of research firms' recommendation performance for the last 1 and 3 years. Performance of buy/sell recommendations is only one aspect of the research offered on Although it is useful to understand a research firm's overall track record, a research firm's performance on any given stock can diverge significantly from the overall performance. There are additional factors beyond performance that any investor should consider in evaluating a research provider, such as the insights provided and the ease with which the research can be used. Performance of recommendations, while important, should not be the only factor an investor considers in evaluating research. Research Firm Scorecards are provided for informational purposes only, and do not constitute advice or guidance, nor an endorsement or recommendation for any particular research provider. Research Firm Scorecards are provided by independent companies not affiliated with Fidelity Investments. Research Providers Awards
Fourth Quarter 2022 Research Providers Award placements:
About the Research Providers AwardTo help you evaluate the quality of the stock research available on, Integrity Research ranks the research firms recommendation performance, giving the Research Providers Award to the highest scoring firms. The Award scoring system weaves together the different components of recommendation performance into a single score between 0 and 100. To calculate these scores, Integrity Research ranks and weights the following four performance metrics:
Scores are first ranked against the entire universe of research firms tracked by Investars. Buy and buy-minus-sell recommendation performance is more heavily weighted. Sector and holding period performance is weighted less heavily in the overall score. |